Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Credit Scoring

Credit Score- a mathematical model, can make you or brake you. It is a lenders table of measure and should be your main concern if you care about  your money. The score can determine the fees, interest rates and terms you will be offered, or not.

Remember the following:

35% The Way You Pay

Your credit history is the most important factor!

30% What you owe

Keep your debt below 50% of your credit limit. Thirty percent would be ideal.

15% How long of a history

In other words, build a track record of stability and dependability. This factor assures you future credit. One important item-never close an account.

10% Types of credit

Try to have different types of credit. (mortgage, retail accts. etc.),

10% Trying to get new credit.

Try not to go crazy in applying for credit. Doing so can decrease your score in a heart beat. However, if you do go batty with this, do it within 14 days. In doing so, it  will count as only once.

In times of tight credit-like now, the tougher it is for those with less than stellar scores to get any kind of reasonable credit.


Hope this helps!


For professional advise on all aspects of buying or selling Real Estate, please contact me Richard Recuset at-786-287-9272 -email:

The Recuset Group .

 “The purpose of life is a life of purpose”

Sunday, February 3, 2008

Are there any sellers in the market?

Are you kidding? What rock have you been living under?  You might add, what about the sea of for sale signs sticking out in every major market throughout the U.S.?

You see, it is my contention that, it is not that there aren't a whole lot of ready, willing, and able buyers these days, but,  the the lack of serious sellers in the market place. Yes, that's right, no, it's not a typo.

You see, if a seller, a real serious seller, not one that simply thinks that because the neighbors house or condo next door sold last year for X amount that there property should sell for the same amount or more.

What is a serious seller you might ask? A serious seller is:

  • Willing to accept the best offer from the best buyer in the market.
  • Has something to lose if they don' sell.

If you're a Realtor and your seller doesn't fit the bill, your wasting your time and everyone else's.

If you're a for sale by owner, take heed. (Your swimming upstream against strong currents)

Bottom line- Seller's, price your property right so that it would sell, mix in some effective marketing and a pinch of luck, and you too could find yourself in the annals of sold property records.


For professional advise on all aspects of buying or selling Real Estate, please contact me Richard Recuset at-786-287-9272 -email:

The Recuset Group . “The purpose of life is a life of purpose"