Sunday, January 13, 2008

A Short on the Short

As you know, property tax, foreclosure and short sale are the dominant words for 2007/2008. I've covered these subjects in previous posts, however, short sales, now it seems, are running neck and neck with foreclosures these days.

Many people did very well buying and selling real estate while home values rose year after year  and home equity loans where being cashed out almost as easily as an ATM transaction.

The tide has turned. The market has slowed and values have declined. Leaving those that bought at the tale end of the boom market holding the bag with not enough equity to sell or refinance the loan.

When a homeowner (seller) is faced with zero or negative equity at the closing table, a short sale may be a viable option.

Now, this can only occur when:

-The lender is willing to accept a reduced amount to pay off the mortgage at closing instead of foreclosing on the property.

- The seller must be unable to pay the mortgage.

- It must be an arm's length transaction.

If you elect this route, run the numbers. A knowledgeable realtor can prepare a HUD-1 settlement statement before agreeing to the listing. Most lenders require the home to have been on the market for at least three months on the market. Also, discuss the short sale with an accountant to understand the tax consequences.

Hope this short on the short helps!


For professional advise on all aspects of buying or selling Real Estate, please contact me Richard Recuset at-786-287-9272 -email:

The Recuset Group . "What do you want to contribute".

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